David Lida

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Next Thursday in New Haven

If you happen to be in (or anywhere near) New Haven, Connecticut, on Thursday, September 20, I will be speaking about my progress as a writer in Mexico, my work defending Mexicans who are facing the death penalty in the U.S., and reading from a novel-in-progress at Yale's Beinecke Library on 12 Wall Street at 4 pm.

If you're still in New Haven on Saturday the 22nd, at the 251 Gallery on 251 Greene Street there will be a showing of watercolors by my brother, Marc Lida, who died of AIDS at the age of 35 in 1992. The above image is Dora in the Garden, part of a series he did based on Freud's case studies. Maurice Sendak described his work as "sharp-witted, erotic and gorgeously robust." I will be on hand for the opening reception between 5:00 and 8:00 pm.